After reflecting on activism work and the meaning of love for several years, I created my concept of Love Activism around 2013. In 2018, my book Love Activism was published where I go into detail on the radical and daily practice of love. How I live my life and everything I create is rooted in this practice.
What is Love Activism? It is a daily, radical, and holistic activism of kindness. It is a very present and powerful activism. Practicing Love Activism brings positive changes and rewards as types of everyday magic. It is a fully alive way to live against cruelty and violence. Love activists strive to live as much as possible outside of and in opposition to systems that promote violence and exploitation. Love Activism blooms most beautifully when there is no bullying, meanness, sexism, racism, greed, or ruthless competition.
Trying to dismantle large and unjust structures, corporations, and institutions can seem daunting. We can feel discouraged, but Love Activism offers a way we can all make real and positive change in our daily lives. This is realized through how we perform our work, what we do in our communities, and how we go about our days mindfully and with kindness. As we practice Love Activism, we must honestly examine our lives, which may lead to making difficult changes or decisions, but will ultimately bring us lasting joy, peace, and balance.
In Franciscan spirituality, there is a practice of seeing with the eye of our hearts. Looking at others and our world through this mindful, inner heart eye is the root of Love Activism. By embracing and practicing THE EIGHT BEAUTIFUL ELEMENTS OF LOVE ACTIVISM we move closer each day to this profound way of seeing others and our world with our hearts.
Each of the eight elements below are unique, yet they overlap with the larger whole. For the most harmonious practice, all eight should be meditated on and become part of a thriving activist life.
Visit the PRACTICES page for inspiration and ideas related to the above elements.